Week 25, day 1, Rubber Boot Journalist is back in the saddle and working on nut articles all week, but also going to Conspiracy to see how the murder investigation is progressing.
Week 25, day 2, Rubber Boot Journalist, busy working on nut articles and made some surprising discoveries on the murder mystery in Conspiracy. And here are some pics to show spring is here.
Week 25, day 3, Rubber Boot Journalist shipped off one article on walnuts and has one to go. Just got back from Conspiracy and discovered it wasn't the butler who done it!
Week 25, day 4, Rubber Boot Journalist, working on the last nut article and spent some time in Conspiracy and learned that the maid didn't do it either.
Week 25, day 5, Rubber Boot Journalist finished the last nut article and headed to Conspiracy, but still can't figure out who done it!
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